Our commercial model is fully scalable and ensures optimal alignment of development costs with actual business development needs. Our governance frameworks and processes enable us to facilitate growth fund management to ensure further growth opportunities we uncover can be funded, thereby ensuring success and cash flow to fund growth resources.
Our commercial model further leverages our international systems and economies of scale, thereby driving down costs and increasing development options. Our model incorporates both group and individual development engagement models making it more cost-effective to develop large numbers of SMEs.
ED – Tier 3 (EME/QSE)
- 1. Multi-Maturity Level Solution
- 2. Masterclass Facilitation
- 3. Access to the Development Platform
- 4. Unlimited Report Generation
- 5. Includes Online Training
The program ensures the ability to develop both EMEs and QSEs. A program designed to ensure supplier graduation to Supplier Development Programs.
ED – Online
- 1. Benchmarking and Reporting
- 2. Access to Online Development
- 3. Access to Market Program
- 4. Monthly Webinar Series
Everything a supplier needs to develop his business to the level required to enter the formal programs. This enables the development of a database of future suppliers.
SD – Tier 2 (EME)
- 1. Everything in Tier 3 plus
- 2. Business Builder Program
- 3. One on One Mentorship
Access online certification and advanced supplier development modules ensuring you are able to fully develop suppliers and manage consultants.
SD – Tier 3 (QSE)
- 1. Everything in Tier 3 plus
- 2. Everything in Tier 2 plus
- 3. Growth Accelerator Program
- 4. Advanced Consulting Sessions
The program provides a broad range of modules and tools to develop each business and also incorporates strategic facilitation aimed at scaling the business.
Choose your pricing plan
ED - Online
All Options Include:
- King IV Governance
- ISO Readiness
- Access to Market
- Business Plan Development
- Ultimate Training Manual
- Ultimate Business Owner Resource Portal
- Financial Forecast and Ratio Tracking
- Business Valuation Improvement
- Project Management Portal
- Leadership 360
- Employee CSAT
- Sales Skills
- Capabilities